These articles include useful information regarding D2L functions and usage.

If the Articles below do not resolve your issue and you require further technical assistance, please contact the Trident Tech Helpdesk by submitting a ticket or calling us at 843-574-6801

Articles (6)

FAQ: What does this error message mean? There was a problem processing your authentication.

Are you getting an error message when you try to login to D2L?
There was a problem processing your authentication. For more information check this article out!

FAQ: I don’t see my class in D2L.

I've logged in but, can't find my classes! For more information check this article out!

FAQ: Why is my course no longer showing up in D2L?

Is your course no longer showing up when you login to D2L, but it used to be there?
You most likely were dropped from a course... For more information check this article out!

D2L/Brightspace Training Tutorials and Resources

This article includes a brief D2L orientation for students and includes other useful information regarding D2L and its functions and usage.

Third-Party Textbook Publisher Resources/Support

Links to the support sites for Third-Party textbook vendors that you may use in your classes.

Video Software Help (Bongo & Yuja)

Links to the Bongo and Yuja video software knowledgebases that are used in D2L